
University Foundation Governing Board

The Governing Board is responsible for legal and financial oversight and compliance, as well as high-level relations with governmental and intergovernmental authorities.

  • Prof Laurent CLEENEWERCK de KIEV, President
  • Prof Ludovic CHAN-TUNG, Vice-President
  • Mr Habte OGBAZION, Treasurer
  • Violet SPEK-NICHOLAS, Secretary
cleenewerck speech amman
Pr Cleenewerck de Kiev (World Interfaith Harmony Week Prize Address in Amman, Jordan)

University Executive and Academic Board

The University Executive and Academic Board implements the vision embodied in the EFMU Foundation as a non-profit foundation entrusted with the vision to continue the legacy of the Eulers and that of the University of Franeker. The President of the Governing Board serves ex-officio on the University Executive and Academic Board.

  • Prof Winston DOOKERAN, as Chancellor
  • Amb George SAID-ZAMMIT, as Rector Magnificus and Vice-Chancellor
  • Robin VAN PUYENBROECK, as Global Operations Chairman
  • Prof Laurent CLEENEWERCK de KIEV, as Global Academic Chairman
Winston Dookeran ACS Anniversary
Prof Dookeran (Speech at the 27th Anniversary of the Association of Caribbean States)
Robin van Puyenbroeck with US President Joe Biden

Ethic & Mission Commission

The EULER Ethics & Mission Commission is a dedicated body tasked with overseeing the university’s adherence to ethical standards, ensuring that core values such as diversity, academic freedom, integrity, and social responsibility are upheld throughout the institution. This commission plays a pivotal role in reviewing and guiding policies related to ethics, with a particular focus on fostering an inclusive and respectful environment for all members of the university community. Additionally, the commission is responsible for the annual review of the university’s mission statement, ensuring that it reflects the evolving goals, values, and strategic direction of EULER. By meeting regularly, the Ethics & Mission Commission ensures that the university’s actions align with its foundational principles, providing guidance on ethical matters and ensuring continuous alignment with global educational standards.

Members of the Commission:

  • Ex Officio: Chancellor (or representative / delegate)
  • Ex Officio: Vice-Chancellor (or representative / delegate)
  • Ex Officio: Global Executive Chairman (or representative / delegate)
  • Ex Officio: Global Academic Chairman (or representative / delegate)
  • Representative of Faculty Group: Prof Charalee Graydon; Prof Klemens Katterbauer